Photo credit: Dennis Owen / Globe and Mail
About CCR
Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd. (CCR) is a joint venture company owned by the Tŝideldel First Nation, the Tl’etinqox Government and the Yunesit'in Government. Our focus is to coordinate and implement large scale forestry programs and initiatives within our traditional territories to provide sustained economic opportunities for our communities and to ensure the long-term sustainability of our traditional forest land-base.
CCR is recognized as an innovative organization—a catalyst that creates new economic opportunities. We are leaders in the forestry sector, with a proven reliability to carry out large-scale forest rehabilitation work.

Chief Otis Guichon
Director of CCR and Chief
of Tŝideldel First Nation

Chief Joe Alphonse
Director of CCR and Chief
of Tl'etinqox Government

Chief Lennon Solomon
Director of CCR and Chief
of Yunesit'in Government

First Nations people leading forest rehabilitation and management on their traditional territories.
To coordinate and implement large-scale forest rehabilitation programs and initiatives within the traditional territories of the Tŝideldel First Nation, the Tl’etinqox Government and the Yunesit'in Government, generating economic, social, and environmental benefits.

What We Do
CCR’s projects focus on forest rehabilitation through reforestation, wildlife habitat restoration and by enhancing the utilization of wood fibre. Learn more about the work we do and our incredible partners.
Photo credit: DroneSeed

PURPOSE: To collect Douglas-fir cones
PARTNERS: Internal project
STATUS: Ongoing
Reforest the Douglas-fir stands
Overstory retention to help regenerate un-salvaged sites back to Douglas-fir
Recover uneconomical fibre
Cone Collection

PURPOSE: To utilize dead or fire damaged fibre to create electricity
PARTNERS: Forest Enhancement Society of BC, Drax, Cariboo Pulp, Atlantic Power Corporation
STATUS: Complete
Jobs for local community members
75,000 cubic metres of fibre recovered
Addressing fibre shortages for local pellet and biomass production facilities
Innovative partnerships
Enhanced Fibre Utilization

PURPOSE: To rehabilitate and reforest burned Douglas-fir stands
PARTNERS: Tolko Industries
STATUS: Complete
Reforest the Douglas-fir stands
Overstory retention to help regenerate un-salvaged sites back to Douglas-fir
Recover uneconomical fibre
Douglas-Fir Rehabilitation
Photo credit: FESBC

PURPOSE: To reduce wildfire risk in the area
PARTNERS: Forest Enhancement Society of BC.
STATUS: Active
Jobs for local community members
Over 10,000 hectares of area treated
Additional benefits such as wildlife habitat enhancement
Wildfire Hazard Mitigation
Project Partners

Partner with Us
We partner with some of the most innovative companies to implement forestry solutions to ensure our forests are healthier now, and for our future generations.