Kamloops This Week featured the story about 62-forestry-led forestry projects throughout B.C., funded by the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC). CCR is one of the 62 Indigenous-led projects featured in the article.

With a deep connection to the land and a multi-generational perspective on sustainability, it is natural that Indigenous peoples throughout British Columbia have stepped up to lead so many projects that protect communities from wildfire, enhance wildlife habitat, reduce greenhouse gases, and more. An Accomplishments Update released by the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) highlighted 62 FESBC-funded projects led by Indigenous peoples.
“The projects highlighted facilitated the participation of Indigenous peoples in the forest economy and, through their leadership in these projects, they have a larger voice in the stewardship of the land for future generations,” said Jim Snetsinger, RPF, FESBC Board Chair.