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  • CentralCR

CCR receives $1.8 million in FESBC funding for creating a wildfire fuel break

Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) awarded funding to 19 additional projects today, of which Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation Ltd. (CCR) will receive $1.8 Million in funding to create a wildfire fuel break, northeast of the Anaham community.

This additional funding was announced today in a statement from the Ministry of Forests today.

“The Forest Enhancement Society of BC supports First Nations, community forests, rural communities and many others who take on projects to help strengthen forest health and ecosystems, while creating good jobs in communities across the province,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests. “Through a $50-million grant this year from the Province, FESBC and their project partners are making significant progress to enhance forest resiliency to wildfire and climate change for the lasting benefit of British Columbians.”


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